Welcome to The Church Online Champion General God's Beloved

We are a vibrant community of believers in the United Kingdom, passionate about
sharing the love of God with our neighbors and the world

What's Happening at The
Church Ministry?

Stay informed about our upcoming programs and events


These are truths from the Bible, which we believe and teach others about: God.

We believe that there is one God who pre – existed the beginning. The creator of the heavens,
earth and every other thing in it. – Gen 1:1; Psalms 33:3-9; John 1:1-3.

Our Mission

Our mission is to introduce the person of Jesus Christ, the character and the presence of the Holy Spirit to the nations Introducing the person of Jesus Christ, the character and the presence of the Holy Spirit to the nations of the earth. We have been comissioned to reconcile all to the grace and love of Jesus Christ. To communicate the love of God and the life in Christ to all. We have been called to win, build and send to nations of the earth. To help edify the body of Christ in the knowledge of the fullness of Christ and the will of God through the Word and the Spirit

Donate To God's Work

In the Church Ministry, we believe in giving from the heart, not out of obligation or fear, but from a genuine desire to see the Gospel flourish in our time. Join us in our mission to spread God’s love and truth. Put your faith into action and invest in the advancement of the Kingdom. Partner with us today and let’s make a lasting impact together

Let's Worship

Join us every Sunday as we
worship God together.


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